Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Price Is Wrong

Me and madre went to the Price is Right today and it was the most grueling experience I have ever dealt with. We got there at 6 AM and the line was already down the street. Later we met people who got there at 3 AM and there were still 60 people ahead of them. There was this guy taking pictures of people's shirts and outfits and everyone thought he worked for the price is right and people were trying to impress him and talk to him and stuff, but we found out later that he was just some random guy, who i think might have been a little mentally challenged. So we stand there for a half hour, they give us a card that told us our place in line and they tell us to come back in an hour.

So we get breakfast come back and then spent the next 6 hours standing and moving from bench to bench in the most inefficient system I have ever been a part of. We talked to alot of different, interesting people so that was cool. There was was this weird guy who kept on trying to organize people and telling people where to stand and what to do and people were getting freaked out by him, but it turns out he had been there 97 times. So all in all the waiting was terribly boring. After all this they finally interview you to decide whether you will be picked and all they ask is: where you are from and what you do. Somehow they pick the contestants based off of that.

Once we were in, the show was pretty cool, however there were alot of crazies. Drew Carey was really funny and nice. He would ask people what they did and someone would say - "Hi I'm a nurse" and then I guess that became an open invitation for everyone to shout out a related field. "I'm a paramedic", "My friend's a fireman" "My brother's a doctor" "It's my birthday". It was outstanding. That is another weird thing, everyone goes there on their birthday. That is probably the 3rd to last thing I would want to do on my birthday. We finally got out of there at 2:30. Clearly we didn't get picked or I would be writing about how awesome it was. OK Cheers Everybody.

I found this interesting

This guy on Yahoo made a "Best Albums of All Time" list based on a mathematical formula based on Grammy's, Sales, Staying Power and some other stuff. I thought alot of the albums were expected, but the #1 is surprising. Other people may not think so, but I don't really LOVE this guy. I appreciate his impact on music but for the most part, ehhh, I'm just not that in to him. Anyway click here for the list.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Whenever I Feel Like It Music Blog - Tokyo Police Club

It is weird being all the way over here and not being able to be around friends to know what they are listening to, so everyone might already be grooving to these guys but I don't know it. If so maybe I will enlighten you with some history.

In 2001 the four Canadian boys went to a Radiohead concert and then decided they were going to start a band. Unfortunately none of them knew how to play an instrument. The lead singer Adam Monks was actually tone deaf until her was 15. So senior year in high school they took up some instruments and started playing and joined a band in college. Eventually that band broke up and in 2005 Tokyo Police Club was born. They started playing a bunch of shows around Toronto and picked up quite a buzz, they made a 5 song EP, A Lesson in Crime, and were signed to a label in 2006. They just put out their first full length album in April, Elephant Shell, and it is getting played all the time on the indie stations in LA and a decent amount on YRock in Philly.

Their sound is definitely indie rock, but it has a bit of a poppy, punk type sound to it. People compare them to the Killers or the Strokes, but I don't see it. But I know they sound like someone - just not sure who. Let me know if you know. Sometimes I feel like it sounds like a louder punk rock version of the Decemberists singer. Like if he were screaming and rocking out.

I added videos from the EP - "Cheer it On" and "Tessellate" from the new album. I think the video for that is really cool. Its like battleship with humans. And for those of you who don't know what Tessellate means (I had no clue) it means to form in to a mosaic. Also check out some songs from their MySpace.

Cheer it On:


Whenever I Feel Like It Music Blog Intro

OK so I am going to try to make this like the Weekly Music Email that I used to send that despite it's name was not weekly at all. The purpose of that email was to inform my friends that weren't hip to the jive of new bands and artists or even old bands and artists that they should already know about but don't. So we are going for the same format here. For example one week my friends met Vampire Weekend and before that they met Lucinda Williams and I believe at one point they met Elliott Smith, amongst others. So its pretty random. Also I like learning a little more about bands that I like alot, but may not know the history of. So I try to give a little history about them and talk about what they are doing now. Through email I was able to send MP3's that people could download and listen to. I am still trying to figure out how to do that on this junk, but in the meantime I will include some kind of media link so you can get their sound. Hopefully I will figure out how I can post links that you can download songs from. OK friends I will post an artist soon. Until then...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dan Band

I went and saw the Dan Band last night at the House of Blues in Disneyland. They are the band from Old School that sings Total Eclipse of the Heart. I was not a previous fan of the The Dan Band. In fact I have barely seen Old School once (Shout out - couples weekend and me and Rita in Nags Head), but I do remember that song and I thought it would probably be funny. And it definitely was. Even the crowd was funny. When we went down to the floor, the one kid I was with got in trouble by this chick for being in her space, which is just funny when you're at a sold out concert. Then during the show there was a girl fight, which is always fun, especially when I'm not involved. Then a bunch of drunk ass dudes that jumped up and down the whole show and screamed "One more song" after every song from the beginning. And of course the drunk girl that took 3 minutes to get on her boyfriends shoulders with strangers holding her drunk ass up on his shoulders so she wouldn't fall on them and it was all for naught because as soon as she was settled, security came over and asked her to get down. Oh and that's the same girl that got in a fight later. It was crazed, yet awesome. So anyway, the Dan Band. They cover all songs that are sung by woman. It is a lead singer, Dan (kinda looks like my old roommate), and is dressed like a mechanic and there's two backup guys dressed in suits. I love the back up guys. They were really funny. They just do half assed dance moves, that are terrific. I need to learn them and perfect them for the next wedding. And they seemed to make cat hands in almost every song. I like that. Anyway, here are some clips:

Tyrone from Erika Badu, I think. This one was my fave.

Christina/TLC/Britney Medley

Freakin Hilarious

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Over the weekend my purse was lost and stolen and it pretty much had everything that is of any value to me in it. Amongst those things lost, were my wallet, obviously. So the guy immediately went to McDonalds and attempted to spend 35 dollars, which I am not sure how that is even possible at McDonalds. "Can I please have 352 Chicken McNuggets - Thanks" Then he went to several gas stations, where my moneyless card kept getting rejected. Why did he think that if it didn't work at McDonald's or the 1st gas station, why would it at the second one? Then I found out today that he did what I am sure every thief does when they get a wallet. Takes my library card and the library book that was in my purse and went to the library. He renewed the book that was in my purse, then took out home remodeling books. What? I'm glad to see that the guy who stole my purse can afford to remodel his house, while I sit in my rented apartment and contemplate whether I can afford a towel rack.

If That's What You're Into

So I feel weird starting a blog. I don't really feel like I have much to say. But alas here I am doing it anyway. My goal with this is to have a continuation of what I started (and abruptly stopped)with my weekly music emails (that weren't weekly at all). I also want to talk about random crazy things that happen in my life and cool interesting things that I may have happened upon in my daily journeys. So there you go. Good luck and may the wind be at your back. Cheers!