Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

I went to LACMA last weekend because I wanted to see the Vanity Fair magazine exhibit before it went away. It is a history of Vanity Fair with alot of the magazines and original pictures. It spanned 1913 through to today. It was really cool. There was a ton a Annie Leibovitz photos, who I love. They had another really good photography exhibit as well, which I feel is lacking in alot of art museums. The place was huge, and I definitely did not have time to see everything. So I will definitely be going back.
Here are some pictures. I took it with my phone, so they are not awesome -

Outside of the museum.

I thought this was cool.

This reminded me of an album cover, but I can't remember which one.

This is a cool BMW from the 30's.

This was just a cool VW I saw out in Hollywood later.

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