I am starting to learn that when my hiking book tells me the hike is easy - it means it's easy for someone like Lance Armstrong. My hike this weekend led me to The Grotto, which is a hiking trail in mountains above Malibu. The weather was kind of weird in LA on Sunday, but it was good for a hike because it wasn't too hot. As you can tell from the pictures it was really overcast plus I was at a high elevation and being so close to the ocean, the clouds were right above me. It was pretty cool. I was actually kind of scared though because there were not a lot of people on the trail and paranoid me thought I was going to get attacked by a snake or mountain lion or fall in to the canyon. Luckily that did not happen. I met a scientist on the way back up who was in town doing research and having conferences about deadly disease outbreaks, which I thought was an interesting job until he nonchalantly said "There was an emergency in Oxnard (about an hour from LA) that I had to check out" That is probably normal for him, but I definitely took a double take. But he just kept on talking. So anyway, aside from impending doom, the grotto trail leads down to a bunch of huge rocks that were formed from a volcanic eruption (actually that is doomy, where is this volcano?). Depending on the season a creek runs through the rocks and forms water falls. There was water running through, but it wasn't high. I didn't climb a ton around the rocks because I was scared about my foot, but I would like to go back and check it out. It was like a natural playground.
This was at the top of the canyon at the ranger station. I feel like it looks really eerie.

Looking out in to the canyon.

The Canyon

A meadow that you pass through on the way down.

You can't tell from this, but these rocks were the size of freight trucks.

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