After deciding it sucked there, we left and on our way out - we met Mr Rawazeva. He said to our friend, Kaz, "Sir I can see you are with two lovely ladies, I do not call ladies B-I-T-C-H's in my songs. I respect ladies. Please take my CD and check out my music. I do not need you to give me anything, just listen to my music. I just want to get my music out. But I do accept donations" So Kaz gives him $1 and Rawazeva says "What? a dollar forget it" and takes the CD back. So clearly it wasn't about getting the music out. In the end we paid him $3 and got 2 CDs. I am listening to it now and surprisingly I think it is OK. Its sounds like any ghetto rap that you hear on top 40 stations. I expected much worse. I have not heard him call ladies b-i-t-c-h's, but he does call lady's "mommies" and "shorties". I think I'd rather be called a bitch. This guy will probably end up blowin up we were doggin on him(rap speak). That will compare to the time when me and my friend Kim were on South St in Philly and one of the Strokes came up and gave us their first EP and I said - "I am never going to listen to this no name band". Now they are one of my favorite bands.
We went to the Stone Rose which was in Brenda's hotel and we had a really good time there except for the 3 inch roaches that hung out with us that I crazily kept checking for.
Then I met this lovely lady in the bathroom.
And I don't really have much to say about that.
I stayed at my friends hotel and we were woken by the LA Aids Walk music, which the hotel was playing right under our window, and the 4 people clapping at the walkers as they passed. While I walked to my car in the opposite direction of the AIDS walkers (in my clothes from the night before) it was fun to see the people get out of their walk and go to Taco Bell for a mid walk 500 calorie snack. A burrito is alot like a powerbar. And it was fun to see the 2 protesters on their megaphones shouting to the walkers, who spent their morning raising money for people with AIDS, that gay people are the reason why there is war, famine, tsunamis and hurricane katrina. My goodness, those gays are awfully powerful people to cause all of that.
But it was really cool, there were soo many people and it ended up raising over 3.1 million dollars. Go Walkers. I wish I wasn't a scrub and participated.
I would hate to be behind the burrito walkers! -anon.
I would rank these "rap speak" words in order of worst to best:
mommies, shorties, bitches
I am 28, i don't want to be a "mommy"
I have met this guy on Sunset and we liked the CD so much we made a video of it on the way home enjoy!
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