Me and madre went to the Price is Right today and it was the most grueling experience I have ever dealt with. We got there at 6 AM and the line was already down the street. Later we met people who got there at 3 AM and there were still 60 people ahead of them. There was this guy taking pictures of people's shirts and outfits and everyone thought he worked for the price is right and people were trying to impress him and talk to him and stuff, but we found out later that he was just some random guy, who i think might have been a little mentally challenged. So we stand there for a half hour, they give us a card that told us our place in line and they tell us to come back in an hour.
So we get breakfast come back and then spent the next 6 hours standing and moving from bench to bench in the most inefficient system I have ever been a part of. We talked to alot of different, interesting people so that was cool. There was was this weird guy who kept on trying to organize people and telling people where to stand and what to do and people were getting freaked out by him, but it turns out he had been there 97 times. So all in all the waiting was terribly boring. After all this they finally interview you to decide whether you will be picked and all they ask is: where you are from and what you do. Somehow they pick the contestants based off of that.
Once we were in, the show was pretty cool, however there were alot of crazies. Drew Carey was really funny and nice. He would ask people what they did and someone would say - "Hi I'm a nurse" and then I guess that became an open invitation for everyone to shout out a related field. "I'm a paramedic", "My friend's a fireman" "My brother's a doctor" "It's my birthday". It was outstanding. That is another weird thing, everyone goes there on their birthday. That is probably the 3rd to last thing I would want to do on my birthday. We finally got out of there at 2:30. Clearly we didn't get picked or I would be writing about how awesome it was. OK Cheers Everybody.